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Big Technology Coming in 2013

Microsoft's Surface Tablet Pro

The tablet with the funky cover/keyboard combo will likely arrive this fall, but the big splash will come in 2013 with the Pro model, which will have a legit Intel i5 dual-core processor. Why is a Microsoft tablet such a big deal? It’s the future of Windows computing, that’s all. Swipes and gestures on the new Metro interface are one thing, but the Office Touch apps might finally make business users pay attention.


iPad Mini

The infamous 8-inch version of the iPad has wallowed in the rumor mill for months. Now, some outlets are reporting that the device is actually going into a manufacturing phase. The size makes sense, both in terms of how Apple offers multiple sizes for the MacBook line and as a way for the company to fend off recent challenges by Google (with the Nexus 7 tablet) and Amazon (with the Kindle Fire). That's a regular-sized iPad to the left.


Leap Motion

Gesture control on a tablet has been around for years, but this small device takes it to a new level. Leap Motion sits next to your computer and can detect your hand movements with an accuracy of 1/100 of a millimeter. Without touching your screen, you can flip through photos or reach into a 3D diagram and manipulate objects. For business users, the implication could be as simple as this: a way to answer the phone or give a presentation with just a flick of the hand.


Cadillac Super Cruise

One other tech surprise, one that might help your morning commute, is called Cadillac Super Cruise. The technology in the car uses semi-autonomous intelligence to monitor the side of the road and the car in front of you. You can take your hands off the wheel in traffic jams and lonely stretches of the road. Next year may be a little early to spot this one: GM has announced it is working on the technology and has shown how it works but hasn't yet set an exact date for launch. Shown to the left: the 2013 Cadillac ATS.
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