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Apple and its revolutions and dimensions

Really apple is the bellwether and predictor of the technology because as the inventor of apple had marked the dimensions for the world. its keep wort-hing that apple has no competitor in the world. apple has core competency in making i phones ,   i pads and give something new to this world .
Right now  Apple has a new and rejuvenate concept of unveiling a writ ch watch TV very soon and give new dimension to this world. Because the former CEO of   Apple Steve jobs told that criticism is the part of life so i believe in  ignore the critics .so he mainly believe in re-engineering the product with more exclusive design and prototype . Apple will unveil very soon five new products within 12  months . these are as the report of analysts TV sets and wrist watch TV and more big screen i pads with new design. Therefore we can obliviously say that "APPLE IS THE PREDICTOR OR BELL-WEATHER OF THE WORLD TECHNOLOGY  FIELD."
It is mainly possible because apple mainly believes in following strategies:-

1. Ignore your critics.

2. turn your ordinary products into some beautiful

3. justify your price.
4. value added with the brand

5. build a tribe

6. become a name
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