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5000 corer tax blow enraged and astounding fully shell and vodafone

In a huge blow to global energy giant Shell's domestic operations, the income tax department has slapped a draft assessment order on an inter-group issue of shares which pegs Shell India's tax liability at nearly Rs 5000 crores. "The draft order has added Rs 15,000 crores to the taxable income of shell India and the consequent tax liability for the company would be 30% of the additional income. Shell India has a time frame of 30 days to raise objections or appeal against the order, "said one of the sources mentioned above. 

The draft order was issued following a transfer pricing order which alleged under-pricing of Rs 15,000 crores by Shell India in January. The transfer pricing order related to the issue of 87 crore shares by Shell India to an overseas group entity, in March 2009. The shares were issued at Rs 10/share, which was contested by the income tax authorities in Mumbai. The income tax department challenged the valuation methodology of Shell India and pegged the value of the shares at Rs 180/share instead. According to transfer pricing rules, transfer pricing orders are binding on assessment officers and draft orders should be issued to tax payers before the end of the fiscal after which it becomes time-barred like British giant Vodafone had a tough time from several days. 

all new Toyota liva drive your way.,.........................................

new Toyota liva with power steering and auto gear....................................... don't miss-out chances to being a part of  it.......................go for test drive its really mind-blowing................


RBI has really taken sticker and strong rule in case of banking licenses due to some major phase out of the organization of Lehman brothers as well as like Cyprus bailout package for insolvency which will be secured by euro union of 10 million.   In a country like India always political instability, political pressure as well as risk from private capital discredit due to financial market in contentedness of the financial market. As a result loans to agriculture sector are only 10 %.  If we go through the reports and trends then only ¼ credits reaches to small and marginal farmers. So there should be urge need of financial inclusion which leads to long term growth of the banks  RBI has mainly focus should be on giving license at least 25 banks . The main aim of RBI should have diversified and extended banking network with state run domestically own private banks as well as for foreign banks. So financial inclusion is a very cranial term which mainly associated with long-term development of the banking sector which earlier old private sector had deeply absorbed towards poaching as due to RBI revoked the license of more 10 banks. Therefore to foster the development of RBI has unveiled new guidelines: ------------

Rs 500 minimum capital requirements
NOFHC {a non operating financial Holding company}
40% the minimum that an NOFHC has to hold in the for 5 years.
 50% or more NOFHC directors are independent
25% of the banking branches are opened up in the non banking areas.
49% foreign holding capital and other 71% for existing companies.

Therefore as per my view point i think financial inclusion is vital concept for the banking sector for the long-term purposeful development .



As steel authority of india Limited's Rourkela steel plant started cranking up its best ever production numbers in the summer of 2012, a bespectacled Kashmiri executive revisited his hometown and amid memories and memos, inaugurated the firstever DOMINO pizza store in the steel city. Eight years in the top job as CEO of Jubilant FoodWorks, anything but a corner office stereotype. Before opening the store last April, decked up in the trademark blue-andblack Domino's tee-cap-cargo combo, he essayed the role of an SDP to perfection. The acronym is a homegrown term for Safe Delivery Persons, or the delivery boys, who zip from door to door with boxes they call 'warm bags'. And the prefix 'Safe' conforms to the speed governor attached to every bike that maintains a maximum speed limit of 40 kilometres/hour.

But Kaul had a different calling. Along with the local team, he rode a D o m i n o ' s -branded Hero bike into every possible direction with the store as the locus. They rode for 8-9 minutes in each direction and returned to the store. He defines that time-bound journey the "lakshman rekha" for any SDP. That is, the Domino's delivery boys will strictly toe the line and not serve houses that take more than 8-9 minutes to reach from the store.

Here's why. Domino's pizza comes with a 30-minute guarantee from the time an order is placed. If the time taken to deliver the pizza is more than 30 minutes, the pie comes free if it costs under Rs 300. And in case it costs more than that amount, the company subtracts Rs 300 from the bill. In case it is more than 4 pizzas, it is regarded as a bulk order and the guarantee does not apply. So by and large, all processes at Domino's are geared to meet the 30-minute deadline.

new technologies with invincibility

A hover car is a transport vehicle appearing in works of fiction in this daily world. Technology is getting better day by day especially hover cars. It is used for personal transportation in the same way a modern automobile is employed. One is expected to steer it like a normal vehicle. The only difference is the "flying" effect. It is capable of flying and elevates itself some distance from the ground through some repulsion technology, presumably exploiting some short range anti gravity principle so as to eliminate most friction forces which act against conventional vehicles. Unlike an air cushion vehicle, this does not produce a dust cloud. Another similar real-world device is the , which elevates itself above a water or level hard surface using a cushion of air retained by a flexible skirt. Such devices are not considered to be hover cars, however—that term is used only for the fictional device. It was launched in the year of 2013 -2014.

A flexible display is a display which is flexible in nature; differentiated from the more prevalent traditional flat screen displays used in most electronics devices. In the recent years there's has been a growing interest from numerous consumer electronics manufacturers to apply this display technology in MOBILE PHONES, TABLETS, POCKET PCS AND OTHERS. Its uses OLED (organic light emit diode ) emits lights in the response of electronic current.

Through our five natural senses we can perceive the things as we want and it is all about virtual reality as well as fudicals representation .The concept was developed by pranab mistry . he used these technology through a projector , camera  and mirror.


cry pus crisis : if bailout package then India will be witness

 Markets around the world could take immediate cues from the success or failure of a European bailout package for cry-pus on Monday, even as Cypriot leaders debated passing a new legislation to tax bank deposits above a threshold over the weekend.

The ECB has made a 10- billion rescue passage for Cypriot banks on condition that Cyprus raise 5.8 billion by Monday.

Indian markets, which were pulled down to a four-month low last week, might experience a relief rally of 100-150 points during the truncated week if the bailout for the island nation is passed, market experts said.

However, they added, an exit of Cyprus from the EU would not have a severe impact on the Eurozone's finances as the amounts involved are petty and Cypriot banks' largest depositors are said to be Russian oligarchs, who benefit from the island's benign tax regime, and not residents.

"The impact of an exit, if at all, will in no way be similar to that when Lehman collapsed," said Rashesh Shah, chairman and CEO, edelweiss 
Group. "In the unlikely event of an exit, there could be a knee jerk reaction, but it won't persist."

Agreed Saurabh Mukherjea, head of equites, Ambit Capital. "I don't expect any incremental damage being caused by Cyprus. The fear that peripheral countries like Spain, Italy, Greece and Portugal could also face a run on their banks has already been discounted by global markets. if there is bailout package of 10 million would be declared soon to loom out bankruptcy . 


As steel authority of india Limited's Rourkela steel plant started cranking up its best ever production numbers in the summer of 2012, a bespectacled Kashmiri executive revisited his hometown and amid memories and memos, inaugurated the firstever DOMINO pizza store in the steel city. Eight years in the top job as CEO of Jubilant FoodWorks, anything but a corner office stereotype. Before opening the store last April, decked up in the trademark blue-andblack Domino's tee-cap-cargo combo, he essayed the role of an SDP to perfection. The acronym is a homegrown term for Safe Delivery Persons, or the delivery boys, who zip from door to door with boxes they call 'warm bags'. And the prefix 'Safe' conforms to the speed governor attached to every bike that maintains a maximum speed limit of 40 kilometres/hour.
But Kaul had a different calling. Along with the local team, he rode a D o m i n o ' s -branded Hero bike into every possible direction with the store as the locus. They rode for 8-9 minutes in each direction and returned to the store. He defines that time-bound journey the "lakshman rekha" for any SDP. That is, the Domino's delivery boys will strictly toe the line and not serve houses that take more than 8-9 minutes to reach from the store.
Here's why. Domino's pizza comes with a 30-minute guarantee from the time an order is placed. If the time taken to deliver the pizza is more than 30 minutes, the pie comes free if it costs under Rs 300. And in case it costs more than that amount, the company subtracts Rs 300 from the bill. In case it is more than 4 pizzas, it is regarded as a bulk order and the guarantee does not apply. So by and large, all processes at Domino's are geared to meet the 30-minute deadline.

railways to hike in fare for selected customer in october

A decision on possible hike in passenger fares will be taken by the Railways in October when it will review the fuel adjustment component (FAC) in the wake of rising fuel and energy cost. 

While the freight rate will go up by about 5.7 per cent from April 1 due to the linking of FAC in the freight tariff, railways will examine its applicability in the passenger services in October this year. 

"There is a policy now and the FAC is linked with energy and fuel prices and calculated accordingly," Chairman Vinay mittal said at a conference here. 

According to calculation, the passenger fares could go up by 2 to 3 per cent if FAC is linked to basic fare in passenger services in October. 

"Fuel adjustment component will be reviewed after six months for both freight and passenger fares. Whether FAC will be reduced or increased, it will be examined in October and then only a decision will be taken," he said, adding, "by that time the RTA is also expected to be constituted." 

Rail Tariff Authority, the first of its kind for railways, will suggest the level of tariff for both the freight and passenger fares from time to time taking into account the input cost and volatile market conditions. 

Mittal said currently the RTA is in the inter-ministerial consultation stage and a cabinet note will be prepared for it shortly. 

"FAC for passenger and freight are calculated separately. While we decided to link FAC with freight tariff from April 1, we absorbed the increased fuel cost of Rs 800 crore and did not hike passenger fares," he said. 

"Since we have raised the passenger fare in January so we did not consider it again and the FAC was implemented in freight rate only," he said. 

Most Romantic Indian Hotels

The Tree of Life Resort & Spa, Jaipur

Hotel Villa Retreat, Kodaikanal


Honeymoon Inn, Manali

 Oberoi Rajvilas, Jaipur

 Old Harbour Hotel, Kochi

Taj Lake Palace, Udaipur




'Jolly LLB': Engaging courtroom drama enlivened by sparkling performances

Film: Jolly LLB; Starring: Arshad Warsi, Boman Irani,Sourav Shukla, Amrita Rao; Directed by Subhash Kapoor; Rating: ****
It's not often that a film manages to hit us in the solar plexus with a statement on an epidemic social disease, and yet succeeds in telling a story so engaging you want to jump out of your seat and applaud the enterprising spirit that surges through the veins of this engrossing saga of the judge, the judged and the damned.
What ails the legal system in our country? We could go on and on about that one, and still not be anywhere close to solving the conundrum of legalese.
Subhash Kapoor's brilliantly scripted film seeks to examine the loopholes in the legal system through which the rich and the privileged manage to go scot-free after committing terrible crimes.
In this case, it's a young tycoon mowing down six pavement dwellers in his fancy car in the dead of the night.
Sounds familiar? "Jolly LLB" grabs the headlines about a rich spoilt kid from a privileged family involved in a hit and run case, and turns it into a rollercoaster ride that takes us into the courtroom to witness the young struggling lawyer from Meerut, Jolly (Arshad Warsi) take on the mighty attorney Jaipal (Boman Irani).
It is the classic David & Goliath tale with so many enticing twists and turns that by the end of it you want to kiss the hand that wrote this script.
Every role, big or small, is written with so much care and enacted with so much affection that you can't help feeling a sense of pride for the plethora of acting talent we have in our cinema.
Characters invariably played by accomplished actors keep popping up right till the end as though life in films could throw forward surprises denied in real life to us.
Writer-director Subhash Kapoor makes the drab and the dull reality of Indian life come alive with his vivacious humour and savage digs at the games the rich play to vanquish their adversaries.
Kapoor proves in his post-debut film that "Phans Gaya Re Osama" was no flash in the pan. In "Jolly LLB", he displays a much tighter grip over his narrative graph.
The solid sturdy screenplay throws forward surprises and shocks as layer after layer of corruption and compromise are peeled off leaving behind the raw hurting wounds of betrayal and hurt.
Though Jolly wins his case at the end, his story left me deeply saddened. Is this the India that our forefathers fought to free for our future generations, where a hotshot ruthlessly immoral lawyer smirks in the courtroom, "Now, if people sleep on the pavements there is a risk of them being killed."
Right, Sir. In any case the poor don't really deserve to live, do they?
In a sequence that comes as one of many radical turning-points in the plot, Arshad stops on a pavement to take a pee. A man pleads, "Could you urinate somewhere else? My family sleeps here?"

5 ways to look after your liver

Did you know that the liver is about the size of a rugby ball and is the largest organ in the body? It is also hugely important to our overall health and has hundreds of functions. Some of the key roles our livers perform for our bodies are: aiding our digestion, fighting against infection and regulating our blood sugar levels. As you can see, the liver is hugely important and you will reap the rewards if you take good care of your liver.

Toxin ban
The liver filters all of the toxins in our bodies, so the more toxins you put into your body, the more your liver has to filter these potentially harmful poisons. Therefore, if you want to look after your liver you need to limit the amount of toxins you put into your body.

Some common items you may use every day that contain toxins include cigarettes, cleaning products, aerosol sprays and some beauty products, such as makeup or shampoo.  To limit the amount of toxins you put into your body, opt for organic products. It is also a good idea to stop smoking and, where possible, try to avoid using these toxin-filled products in enclosed spaces.

Time for tea

Although controversial, milk thistle has been used to help people with liver disease and many believe it works wonders for your liver. The milk thistle seeds can be drunk as a tea and if you want to keep your liver healthy this hot drink may help you; especially if you have liver damage as a result of drinking alcohol or because of toxins. The active ingredient in milk thistle that is thought to help your liver is silymarin, which has anti-inflammatory properties. Silymarin is also an antioxidant.
However, before you dash out to buy a big stock of milk thistle tea, it is worth noting that studies have been contradictory and whilst some show that milk thistle is beneficial to the liver, others conclude that it is not.  

Nokia 105 & Nokia 301 announced at MWC

Nokia announced the launch of two new mobile devices at Mobile World Congress (MWC

Nokia 105

The new handset is available in a choice of cyan or black and features a color screen. A successor to the highly successful Nokia 1280, the Nokia 105 features high quality handset design and everyday essentials like FM radio, a speaking clock and flashlight, making it ideal for first-time buyers.

With a dust- and splash-proof keymat and superior battery life that can exceed one month in between charges, the Nokia 105 also serves as a reliable back-up phone. It can be used in situations when people prefer to leave their smartphone at home.

Nokia 301

Nokia 301The handset features the classic ‘candybar’ design alongside 3.5G Internet speeds and a smart camera for taking better pictures with your mobile phone. The Nokia 301 re-imagines the classic, alphanumeric keypad phone by introducing a larger 2.4-inch screen, elegant design and a bold color palette.

The Nokia 301 comes with a 3.2MP smart camera that offers a choice of image capture, editing and sharing options, including panorama, sequential shots and self-portrait. The built-in voice prompt guides users to take self-portrait photo even without a front-facing camera. It also has a 5-in-1 camera app that lets users choose and apply one of five camera effects to an image.

The Nokia 301 is 3.5G enabled and comes with Nokia Xpress Browser built-in. The device is available in both single and Easy Swap Dual SIM models.

Available colours: cyan, yellow, magenta, black and white.
Prices of these devices are yet to be announced.

10 most unhealthy female habits

Here are some of the unhealthiest habits women everywhere indulge in on a daily basis:

Wearing uncomfortable shoes 

From wearing flimsy flip-flops that provide little to no support, to wearing very high heels that can play havoc on the joints, women around the country are guilty of the crime of putting style before support.
While flip-flops or V-slippers seem like a comfortable option for a hot country as ours, most of them provide very little arch or heel support. Also, being as open as they are, they expose the feet to dust and other dirt from the roads.
Heels over 2 inches high have been known to have an adverse effect on the joints and can even contribute to osteoarthritis that affects the knees, hips, ankles and feet.
For daily wear to college or work, remember to wear comfortable shoes that provide cushioning, as well as support to the entire foot. 


The dos and don'ts of weight loss

When embarking on weight loss then do...
Eat regularly
Re-fuelling when you are hungry is a good idea, but make sure that you snack on the right things. Good snacks are fruit, vegetable sticks and low fat dips, scones (watch the butter), sandwiches, toast, smoothies and low fat or diet yogurt.

Try these healthy diet essentials:
  • Take a walk at lunchtime
    Just small changes make a big difference over time. Offer to make the coffee at work or wash up, just walking over to the kettle every day for a few weeks counts! Or could even exercise at your desk.
  • Go shopping with a list
    There is nothing worse than standing in the chocolate aisle with a growling stomach, it makes it all the more tempting to grab foods that are high in fat and sugar. Make sure you do your food shopping with a list — and not when you are hungry too.
  • Don’t be conned by marketing
    Low fat does not necessarily mean low calorie; many manufacturers lower the amount of fat in dessert foods and increase the amount of sugar to compensate. Make sure you read the labels on food stuffs so you know exactly what you are eating.

Track & Wield: Gadgets of Magnitude

Lenovo Thinkpad Helix
This whipsmart laptop features an 11.6-inch detachable screen and runs on Windows 8. It combines the functionality of a business laptop with the mobility of a tablet. With up to 10 hours of battery life and digitiser pen input, the Helix is a good option to work, share or browse on the go.
Price: Rs 79,500 (approx)

Smartwatch By Pebble
Its makers call it the world's first smartwatch. You can choose from various watchfaces, download apps, get notifications, store data and even chat using the easy-to-use interface.
Price: Rs 24,850
Canali Flip Flops
Its makers call it the world's first smartwatch. You can choose from various watchfaces, download apps, get notifications, store data and even chat using the easy-to-use interface. Price: Rs 24,850 Flip flops are no longer uncool. In fact, taking dressing to new heights are these designer braided flip-slops and sandals. Constructed in Italy using fine calf-skin leather, these not only ensure comfort in the heat, but also keep you looking dapper. Pair them with linen trousers or printed shorts.
Price: On request
Parrot Zik
These headphones combine form and function with cutting-edge, touch-based technology and super-comfortable, beautifully-crafted over-theear Bluetooth headphones. It changes the volume or track and lets you take calls, at the flick of a finger. Parrot has also thrown in head detection controls; simply take them off to pause the music!
Price on request
Oakley Airwave
For your next trip on the slopes, pick a pair of Oakley airwave snow goggles that come with anti-fog lenses, in-built bluetooth music controls that transmit information to a heads-up display.
Price: Rs 31,824
Osim Udivine
After a long day at work, an effective massage chair is a worthy treat. The uDivine is a good investment that apart from a full-body massage, also streams music from a plugged-in iPod, via speakers built into the sides of the headrest. Bliss.
Price: Rs 3.5 lakh

Sen-sex dips down to 317 points really unthinkable

The BSE S&P sen-sex today suffered its biggest single day fall since May 2012 by plunging over 317 points to 19,325.36 - year's lowest level - on all-round selling, amid weak global cues triggered by concerns that US Federal Reserve's policy-tightening moves could hit liquidity. The NSE Nifty also fell below 5,900-level to close at 2-month low of 5,852.25, down 90.80 points or 1.53 per cent. "The Indian markets turned distinctively weak today and closed at the lowest levels in 2013. We believe this was largely due to the weakness in global markets," said Dipen Shah, Head of Private Client Group Research, Kotak Securities. Besides global cues, brokers said, heavy capital outflows happened a week ahead of the Budget on fears of new taxes. Meanwhile, Foreign institutional investors (FIIs) bought shares worth a net Rs 433.59 crore yesterday as per provisional data from the stock exchanges.

How to be an handsome person with 10 solutions

1. Care about skin care.
Too often, this advice is sloughed off like dead epidermal cells. But listen anyway: Use moisturizers to keep your skin from drying out -- and more importantly, apply sunscreen to curb premature aging and undue damage from ultraviolet rays bound to resurface in the form of leather-textured moles or other such unpleasantness's.
“If men would simply do this, it would make the biggest difference in their appearance,” says Dr. Leslie Baumann, a dermatologist and author of the best-seller The Skin Type Solution. Make it a habit, like shaving or brushing your teeth, she suggests.
2. Butt out.
As in, stop smoking. “Cigarettes cause worse wrinkling than the sun,” stresses Dr. Brooke Seckel, a plastic surgeon and author of Save Your Face -- The Revolutionary 6-Step Nonsurgical Facial Rejuvenation Program. Smoking robs the skin of collagen and elastin -- which give the skin texture, strength and elasticity -- and in turn speeds up the aging process. Cigarette use can also give the skin a grayish tone. Hot!
3. Eat right.
A healthy diet equals a more glowing complexion, shinier hair and a fitter you.
“The key is to stay well balanced,” says Jim White, a fitness and nutrition expert, and a spokesman for the American Dietetic Association. “Oatmeal is a great power food. It’s loaded with fiber and can help manage hunger and lower cholesterol. Cottage cheese, meanwhile, is low in sugar and high in protein and calcium.”
Overall, stick closely to a Mediterranean-type diet, with few high-fat meats and larger amounts of grains, fish and olive oil.
4. Sleep.
Get the recommended eight hours a night, at least. “Sleeping restores all organs of the body, including the skin, which is the body’s largest organ,” notes Seckel. “It also reduces tension and anxiety, lessening crow’s feet, frown lines and worry lines.”
Lack of sleep also causes those dreaded circles under your eyes. (See our Facebook photos.)
5. Hydrate.
“Skin needs water to function properly, especially to fight damage caused by the sun,” says Baumann. Drinking the recommended eight glasses a day additionally flushes toxins from the body and brings nutrients to the deep layer of the skin (the dermis).
6. Slenderize.
Trimming down will not only improve your appearance but also reduce your risk of stroke, diabetes, cancer and other diseases.
“Don’t go on some radical diet. Instead think about portion control,” says White. “Shave your calorie intake by 500 a day by cutting back on some vices like fried foods, and you’ll lose a sensible pound or two a week.”
7. Be pro-antioxidant.
Antioxidants like vitamins A, C and E found in fruits and vegetables are essential. They promote skin repair and elasticity and also reduce your risk for heart disease and cancer, says White.
8. Do cardio.
A cardio workout regimen lowers stress, makes you happier and gives your skin a glow. “Do any kind of aerobic exercise that will raise your heart rate above baseline for half an hour a day, says Dr. Douglas Peterson, a sports medicine specialist at the Mayo Clinic. “It could be going for a walk, taking a bike ride or using the elliptical -- something that works up a sweat a little. Don’t do too much too fast or you’ll get injured and quit. Exercise should be fun, and you should feel good doing it.”
9. Watch the booze.
“Alcohol causes swelling of the tissues, especially puffy eyes, and often leads to bad eating habits -- causing weight gain -- and smoking,” warns Seckel.
10. Stand tall.
Good posture really is a good thing. Core strength training will get rid of that unseemly slouch. (Plus, a new set of six pack abs is definitely an appearance improvement.) Dr. Peterson recommends light resistance training two to three times a week to strengthen core muscles. A certified personal trainer can work with you on a regimen that you can follow at home.


sixsense technology gonna create a revolution very soon

six sense technology was  evolved by pranab mistry and a remarkable concept for changing the world. As a result the notepads , ipads , mini laptops , notebooks manufacturing are on spars software. already it was used in notepad 2. Although min authorization of computing devices is possible .six sense technology is mainly on process of R&D by microsoft , google as well as others.
really a new innovation to the world by help of fudicals with help of gestures and you can do all those with the help of your figure moments. so it has fully created a driven towards the technological world and with the years to come it will create a new dimension to the world.

Sony's Xperia Z smartphone off to a good start: exec

BARCELONA (Reuters) - Sales of Sony Corp's Xperia Z high-end smartphone have got off to a good start since its launch in several leading European markets on Monday, said Sony Mobile's Calum MacDougall, head of Xperia marketing.
"We have seen really good pre-orders", McDougall said in an interview at the Mobile World Congress. "We had the first stocks available in Germany in Berlin at the Sony store and sold those out in two hours.
"In France, we sold more in one day in our online store than we sold in 12 weeks in mobile devices."
The Xperia smartphone, which went on sale in Japan last month and is now available in 60 countries, sells for 649 euros and is part of the Japanese electronics group's push for a greater market presence in mobile devices.
Sony has identified mobile devices, which also include Xperia tablets, as part of its efforts to overcoming problems in its television unit that contributed to a record group loss in its last fiscal year.
"It (the Xperia smartphone) sold over 150,000 units in its first week in Japan, taking a 24 percent market share straight away." McDougall said. "It may be a bit too early to say but the first signs a very positive."
Yet the phone faces stiff competition from already-established devices from Apple Inc and Samsung Electronics Co Ltd . Sony's share of mobile phone sales in the fourth quarter was 1.7 percent, compared with Samsung's 22.7 percent and Apple 9.2 percent, according to consultancy Gartner.


The 111kmpl Volkswagen XL1

After working on the idea for over a decade, Volkswagen has revealed the near-production version of the XL1, a two-seat, plug-in diesel hybrid designed to be the world's most energy-efficient automobile. VW estimates the XL1 can get up to 111 kilometre per litre — although with a time to 100 kmph of 12.7 seconds, it won't get there quickly.
Volkswagen has announced the production of the world's most fuel efficient car - designed like a futuristic motor and capable of an incredible 111 kmpl.

Volkswagen has announced the production of the world's most fuel efficient car - designed like a futuristic motor and capable of an incredible 111 kmpl.

This will give the plug-in hybrid a 0-100 kmph time of 12.2 seconds and a top speed limited to a modest 160kmph.

Overall emissions are a mere 21g/km - less than a quarter of the amount produced by the famous ultra-green Toyota Prius.

Despite weighing just 795kg, the XL1 is anything but flimsy with VW building the two-seater out of lightweight but tough carbon fibre.

It can also cover a distance of up to 50 kilometres in all-electric mode where it emits zero carbon dioxide.

India's safest and most unsafe cities

The horrific gang rape case in the national capital in December last year has put Delhi in international headlines for the wrong reasons with a Chinese daily terming it the 'rape capital of the world'. A recent survey by Trip Advisor has voted Delhi as the most unsafe city in the country. Here's a look at how some of the Indian cities fared in the survey:

Delhi was voted the most unsafe Indian metro by women travelling alone for leisure, business or both.

The survey commented on Delhi: "Due to the recent spate of crime against women, the national capital has gained notoriety with 84% women claiming it to be the most unsafe metro."

Mumbai, India's financial capital was voted the safest city in the country by 34 % of the voters.

Ahmedabad, the largest city of Gujarat, considered the most prosperous Indian state, was voted second safest city in the survey with 12 % votes.

Bengaluru, India's well-known hub for India's Information Technology sector, too, was voted second safest city in the survey along with Ahmedabad with 12 % votes.


World's first underwater nuclear explosion

Operation Crossroads was a series of nuclear weapon tests conducted by the United States at Bikini Atoll in mid-1946. It was the first test of a nuclear weapon after the Trinity nuclear test in July 1945, and the first detonation of any nuclear device following the Fat Man detonation on August 9, 1945. Its purpose was to investigate the effect of nuclear weapons on naval ships.

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