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India's safest and most unsafe cities

The horrific gang rape case in the national capital in December last year has put Delhi in international headlines for the wrong reasons with a Chinese daily terming it the 'rape capital of the world'. A recent survey by Trip Advisor has voted Delhi as the most unsafe city in the country. Here's a look at how some of the Indian cities fared in the survey:

Delhi was voted the most unsafe Indian metro by women travelling alone for leisure, business or both.

The survey commented on Delhi: "Due to the recent spate of crime against women, the national capital has gained notoriety with 84% women claiming it to be the most unsafe metro."

Mumbai, India's financial capital was voted the safest city in the country by 34 % of the voters.

Ahmedabad, the largest city of Gujarat, considered the most prosperous Indian state, was voted second safest city in the survey with 12 % votes.

Bengaluru, India's well-known hub for India's Information Technology sector, too, was voted second safest city in the survey along with Ahmedabad with 12 % votes.


The survey was conducted among both self-employed as well as housewives.

Another survey conducted two years ago by 99acres.com, a real estate portal, and YouGov, an international internet-based market research firm, had voted Meerut in Uttar Pradesh as the most unsafe city in the country.

The survey also voted Chandigarh, known internationally for its architecture and urban design was voted the safest city in the survey.

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